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Now on air

Wake Up The Nation

07:00 09:00

Now on air

Wake Up The Nation

07:00 09:00


New indie music @ Concerto record store (10 mei 2024)

Met ditmaal: The Lemon Twigs, The Libertines,Tricklebolt, Beans, Boogie Beasts, Paraorchestra, Meatbodies, Corridor, St. Vincent, Smashing Pumpkins, Ibibio Sound Machine, Camera Obscura, Fat White Family, Pond, plus een exclusive instore van Lorem Ipsum.

Concerto Radio, aflevering 543 (10 mei 2024):

The Lemon Twigs, Rock On (Over and Over): A Dream Is All We Know

The Libertines, Shiver: All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade

Tricklebolt, Paranoid Radio: Honey From The Sky

Beans, Strung Along: Boots n Cats

Boogie Beasts, Devil’s Cup: Neon Skies & Different Highs

Paraorchestra, He’s Dead: Death Songbook (With Brett Anderson & Charles Hazlewood)

Meatbodies, Billow: Flora Ocean Tiger Bloom

Lorem Ipsum, Ordinary: Instore @ Concert

Corridor, Jump Cut: Mimi

St. Vincent, Broken Man: All Born Screaming

Smashing Pumpkins, I Am One: Gish

Ibibio Sound Machine, Them Say: Pull the Rope

Camera Obscura, We’re Going to Make It in a Man’s World: Look To The East, Look To The West

Fat White Family, What’s That You Say: Forgiveness Is Yours

Pond, (I’m) Stung: (I’m) Stung (Single)